What I Do

You have a busy life, why spend all of your time following the latest health news and research? This is my passion. I do it for enjoyment and I enjoy helping others feel good and be well. I believe all health problems are the result of nutritional deficiencies and the best way to help correct a problem is to correct these deficiencies. Total body health is the key to preventing illness and disease. You decide the pace of the program you want to follow. Do you want a kitchen ingredient makeover? Do you want to change your whole diet or do you just want to take the necessary supplements and stop wasting money on things that don't work? Although we have similar nutritional needs, there is no "one size fits all" diet and supplement program. I pull from years of knowledge and experience as well as many expert sources of information. I am currently working on a Masters of Science in Holistic Nutrition of Hawthorn University. E-mail me at weldonwilliford@hotmail. com or give me a call at 919-921-2085 for a free phone consultation. Sometimes just a small change can make a BIG difference in your life.

Monday, March 5, 2012

What is the difference between Whole, Refined & Processed Food?

I had someone question me tonight on what is a "Whole Foods Diet"?  To understand the diet, I guess it would be prudent to understand what a whole food is? Just so happens that I had a little review question for my holistic nutrition 101 course that I had to answer that gives a brief summary of nutrient richness and the difference between whole, refined, and processed food. There is obviously much more to learn, but I can get this out pretty quickly this evening:

Nutrient richness is the total amount of nutrition including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other health giving properties of a food per calorie eaten. The more nutrient rich a food is the more of these health giving properties will be contained with each calorie eaten. On the other hand, a nutrient poor food will require consumption of many calories to obtain the same nutrition as a nutrient rich food.
The best way to get nutrient rich food is to eat food in it’s whole, unprocessed form. This is food the way nature made it or typically with little preparation in the kitchen. A whole food contains all the nutrients that existed when it was harvested, be it a plant or animal product. 
A refined food may have one or more of it’s nutrient properties removed. This may be done for flavor, texture, or better digestive properties.  A good example of this would be white versus brown rice where the outer bran and hull are removed to make white rice and makes for easier digestion in some individuals as well as a lighter flavor.  A refined food is one that can typically be produced in the average person’s kitchen.
A processed food is one that cannot be made in the average person’s kitchen. Processed foods are typically derivatives, extracts or foods that are made in a laboratory or under high-temperature conditions. A good example of a processed food would be breakfast cereal flakes. These are typically high-heat extruded in a factory and cannot be made in the average kitchen oven. 

Here is a great free e-book with recipes and information on a nourishing, whole foods diet. Of course, I also do personal coaching to assist you with the transition as well and can often help you and your family transform your overall diet in just a few appointments.  Click Here for Free E-Book!